Adventures can help you come across things that you never would have imagined coming across on your own. On the outskirts of a town in Utah is a home that was once lived in not that long ago. I have made it my project to learn about this house. Two trips and some research have given me some idea's of this house's history. Every house that has been lived in has it's own story to tell. This house caught my attention. It is a more modern looking house that has been abandoned. I started to ask questions....Who lived here? What happened to them? Why is there no one living in the house now? Is the house still livable? So I went and wondered the house to answer my questions. What I found answered them a little bit but there is still more to be learned about this house. The house does not appear to be livable due to the condition it is in. There is black mold growing on the ceiling along with the ceiling caving in in places. As wondering the house there was things found that was left behind by the family who use to live there. I started to try to figure out who they where. What I found was more then when I expected to find. There are still tons of question's to be answered about the history of the house and I hope to get to go back some point and try to figure out more about it.

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